California Senate Bill 127 of 2013 (Gaines) – Firearms; mentally disordered persons

California Senate Bill 127 would require licensed psychotherapists to make a report to local law enforcement electronically, within 24 hours, in a manner prescribed by the Department of Justice, about a person who has communicated to the licensed psychotherapist a serious threat of physical violence against a reasonably identifiable victim or victims. ... Read More >

California Senate Bill 51 of 2013 (Wright) – Internet Gambling

California Senate Bill 51 proposes to enact Business and Professions Code sections 19990.01 through 19990.96, comprising “The Internet Gambling Consumer Protection and Public-Private Partnership Act of 2013.” ... Read More >

LIS News and Notes – Law Day

LEGISLATIVE INTENT SERVICE, INC.  Your partner in legislative history research (800) 666‑1917 •      ____________________________________________________________________  LIS NEWS AND NOTES         (LIS’ website has a new look!  Read below to learn more!) Happy Law Day Today is Law Day, which is observed every May 1st and is recognized as an opportunity to address legal issues with fundraisers, bar association luncheons, essay contests, school lessons, and even role playing, leading to opportunities to discuss the law and courts. In 1957, American Bar Association President Charles Rhyne promoted this day to ... Read More >

California Assembly Bill 1844 of 2012

Access Granted for Social Media Users Assembly member Campos authored this California bill that governs employment practices regarding the usage of social media. The bill adds Section 980 of the CA Labor code to define “social media” as various electronic resources ranging from emails to vlogs (video blogs). AB 1844 also protects current and prospective employees of an organization from having to provide usernames, passwords, or content of their social media outlets to their employers, and by this law, will not be released or threatened to be released from employment if they violate such requests of their employers. Senate Bill 1349, ... Read More >

California Assembly Bill 1964 of 2012

Accommodations for Adornment  Amending the FEHA AB 1964, authored by member Yamada amends sections 12926 and 12940 of the Government Code to provide accommodations for religious adornment or grooming in the workplace. As an amendment to the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), AB 1964 specifies provisions relating to apparel, hairstyles, jewelry, etc. as reflections of religious freedom and equality for CA employees. Similar changes were also proposed by Assembly Bill 2386, which was chaptered in September of 2012 and became effective alongside AB 1964 on January 1, 2013. Please contact us at 800-666-1917 for more information ... Read More >

California Assembly Bill 2109 of 2012

Immunity from Immunizations: Child Vaccine Law Takes Effect AB 2109, authored by Assembly member Pan of Sacramento, affects section 120365 of the CA Health and Safety Code to amend provisions of exemptions for immunizations given to school children. Existing law enforces full immunization of children attending public or private schools, nurseries, day cares and other types of care centers, as well as enforces exemptions with the authorization of an affidavit prepared by the parent or guardian who can claim that the immunizations contradict their personal beliefs.  AB 2109 will require said letter or affidavit to be submitted with a ... Read More >