Three of the Weirdest Traffic Laws You’ll Read About Today

About 20% of all civil lawsuits in the U.S. have to do with automobile accidents. Every day, people get speeding tickets, have fender benders, or break traffic laws in a myriad of other ways -- some of which may be stranger than you'd think. Here are some of the weirdest traffic laws our legislative history research dug up. Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road in Quitman, Georgia? It didn't. In Quitman, Georgia, there's a legal statute that forbids chickens from crossing the road. Whether that law was created by a legislator who was sick and tired of hearing that particular joke or if it was created to keep lackadaisical farmers-in line is ... Read More >

Are You Breaking These Weird Laws?

People all over the world seek help from law professionals to interpret and understand legal statutes and legislative history -- and with good reason. Legal English is very different from standard English, with its own dictionary and a very different set of grammatical rules. Laws oddities and peculiarity do not stop there, however. What are some of the strangest state laws and/or federal statutes and regulations in the U.S.? Illinois Students Demand "Sip and Spit" Allowances Food service and culinary arts students who are under the age of 21 (and 18 and up) may be able to legally sip alcohol in the state of Illinois. The proposed bill ... Read More >

Three Laws So Weird You Almost Want to Break Them

It can be pretty difficult to understand the legislative intent of any particular legal statute for a variety of reasons. First of all, many legal statutes are written in Legal English, a dialect of lawyers in English-speaking countries that's loaded with obtuse jargon, syntax, and odd punctuation choices. Secondly, some legal statutes are so old that they've lost their context. This means that the issues they were meant to rectify have since been resolved, rendering the legal statutes obsolete despite the fact that they remain on the books. For these two reasons, you may come across certain legal statutes in your legislative history ... Read More >

Dividing the state: An old idea is new again

    You may have heard about it: Silicon Valley billionaire Tim Draper wants to divide California into six separate states, and he wants Californians to vote on the issue. Earlier this year, supporters of the proposed ballot measure got the go-ahead to collect signatures for a new initiative, one Draper calls “Six Californias.” Supporters say they submitted 1.3 million signatures to the California Secretary of State on July 15. The measure qualifies for the November 2016 ballot if 807,615 of those signatures are deemed valid. Prior attempts to split California are nothing new because as it turns out, even a few of those ... Read More >

Frequently asked question: Can Legislative Intent Service, Inc. locate California Legislative Counsel Opinions?

FAQ: Can Legislative Intent Service, Inc. locate California Legislative Counsel Opinions? Answer: Yes, when the Opinion is part of the legislative history of a proposed, failed or chaptered bill. Our expertise at Legislative Intent Service, Inc. includes: • Determining the legislative history of state and federal statutes; • Identifying the bills most likely to be of interest to your issue; • Locating and analyzing the materials related to these bills; • Providing the materials in pdf form. This process can lead to locating Legislative Counsel Opinions. First, some background on the California Office of the Legislative ... Read More >

Retroactive v. Prospective Application of New Laws

Our California clients ask us about retroactive application of enactments or amendments in bills that affect their statutes of interest and which could adversely affect their claims or litigation strategy.  We understand their concerns and as we review the legislative history materials or the bill itself, we look for any indication that there was legislative intent for retroactive application of the proposals in the bill. When there is no express statement or declaration concerning retroactivity in any bill, this can make it difficult to make any absolute determination as to the retroactivity of the provisions of that bill.  The general ... Read More >