Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  In this issue, we address the legislative intent behind a statute that played a role in the current standoff in Oregon, provide a brief overview of the upcoming state and federal legislative sessions, and touch on a second-session bill of interest in California (anyone else fascinated by the legal cloudiness of online fantasy sports?). Meanwhile, in Oregon:  At this point, everyone is likely aware of the situation in Oregon in which armed Americans have taken over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters in protest of the prosecution of ranchers Dwight Hammond Jr. and his son, Steven Hammond.  When the media ... Read More >

California Legislature: 2015 review

Let's take a look at this past legislative year for California's lawmakers, by the numbers. 80: Number of Assembly members 40: Number of State Senators 41: Number of votes required for a statute to pass the Assembly 21: Number of votes required for a statute to pass the Senate 9600: Section of the Government Code that governs when new laws become effective. Today, in general, most new laws passed in regular session are effective January 1 of the year following passage, unless it is an urgency statute, or unless another date is specified in the bill. 1549: Number of bills introduced in the Assembly in regular session 805: Number ... Read More >

Toast to the New Year: 3 Legal Statutes That Might Make It Hard

The new year is hurtling towards us, which means it's time to have one last celebration. Just be careful when you do, because legislative history research has found that there are some pretty strange alcohol laws out there. Here's a taste of some of the most odd. Parts Sold Separately There's a legal statute in Tennessee that makes picking up supplies for a party a bit more obnoxious than it needs to be. More specifically, it makes it so consumer can't pick up any sort of mixers in the same location as where liquor is sold. In other words, you're going to have to make a couple stops if you want to have a party. No-Drinking-Zones In ... Read More >

May Your Days Be Merry And Bright!

Happy Holidays to all of our clients! All of us at LIS wish you a joyous celebration And a great New Year!  Check out our 2015 Holiday card We look forward to meeting your legislative and administrative history research needs in 2016.  Every law has a history, an intended purpose with ideas proposed and compromises negotiated.  The facts are out there and our mission is to help you find them. Since 1974, we have helped litigators, researchers, legal professionals and judges find these pieces of the truth to reveal the factual reality that has led to winning their cases and understanding their area of practice. LIS’ office as ... Read More >

Origins of California’s paramedics

Anybody weaned on shows the likes of “ER” is familiar with Hollywood’s version of a hospital emergency room: A place where, at regular intervals, a cadre of professionals, along with a patient on a gurney, slams through a pair of swinging doors and rushes inside, all while paramedics shout rapid-fire bits of information to hospital staff. Medical professionals can tell us how, or even whether, the above scene squares with reality. We do know that in real life, if you have a medical emergency and 911 responds, you likely will first receive advanced medical care on the scene – long before you reach a hospital – from a paramedic or EMT. It’s ... Read More >

Wait, THEY Got Elected!? 3 ‘People’ You Won’t Believe Were Actually in the Government

Did you know that there are two senators from each state -- no matter how populated or unpopulated that area is -- who are elected by the people in accordance with the 17th Amendment to the Constitution? In order to run, a candidate needs to be at least 30-years-old, have been a U.S. citizen for nine years, and when elected, reside in the state of which they were elected to represent. Now, that's just the senators. With all that being explained, it's fair to say that there have been a lot of people in government since the U.S. was born. In that time, some pretty odd characters have shown up. Here are just a few that our legislative history ... Read More >