Government Code: In 1943, the Government Code was established. With a few exceptions, most of the 1943 Government Code statutes were derived from California’s former Political Code, enacted in 1872 when California first codified its early laws and acts. When adopted in 1872, the former Political Code pertained to state and municipal governments, its political subdivisions, elections and appointment of public officers, powers and duties of public officers, public police regulations, residents of the state, public institutions such as the University of California, state normal school and public schools, and the disposition and management of public property.
Legislative Research: Each section listed below is a link to a PDF document that sets forth the enactment history for that section. The history cited for each section below is intended to be used for information purposes only and should not be relied upon without confirmation. For questions or sections not listed, Contact Us.
Government Code Sections
Section 810.2: Enacted in 1963.
Section 810.8: Enacted in 1963.
Section 814: Enacted in 1963.
Section 815: Derived from former uncodified § 9 of the 1915 Act.
Section 815.3: Enacted in 1994.
Section 818.8: Enacted in 1963.
Section 820.2: Derived from former Political Code § 1623, enacted in 1872.
Section 825: Derived from former Government Code § 2002.5, enacted in 1955.
Section 830.6: Enacted in 1963.
Section 831.4: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1943.
Section 844: Added in 1963 and amended in 1996.
Section 844.6: Added in 1963.
Section 854.8: Added in 1963 and amended in 1970.
Section 855.4: Enacted in 1963.
Section 901: Enacted in 1963 and amended three times thereafter.
Section 905: Derived from former uncodified § 28.6 of the 1913 Act.
Section 905.1: Enacted in 1976.
Section 905.2: Derived from former Political Code §§ 666 and 667, enacted in 1927.
Section 911.2: Derived from former uncodified § 51, enacted in 1921.
Section 911.6: Derived from former Public Utilities Code § 12833, enacted in 1957.
Section 912.6: Derived from former Government Code § 717, enacted in 1959.
Section 913: Derived from former Government Code § 717, enacted in 1959.
Section 915: Derived from former Government Code § 714, enacted in 1959.
Section 927: Comprised of the California Prompt Payment of Claims Act, enacted in 1982.
Section 945.4: Derived from former Political Code §§ 666 and 667, enacted in 1927.
Section 945.6: Derived from former uncodified § 51, enacted in 1921.
Sections 970 et seq.: Enacted in 1963.
Section 1090: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1851.
Section 1091: Derived from former uncodified § 2, enacted in 1872.
Section 1091.5: Enacted in 1959.
Section 1092: Derived from former uncodified § 3, enacted in 1851.
Section 1097: Derived from former Penal Code § 71, enacted in 1872.
Section 1126: Enacted in 1971.
Section 1235: Enacted in 1980.
Section 1752: Added in 1970.
Section 1770: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1853.
Section 3206: Derived from former Government Code § 3204.5, enacted in 1963.
Section 3302: Enacted in 1976.
Section 3303: Added in 1976.
Section 3304: Enacted in 1976.
Section 3500: Enacted in 1961.
Section 3501: Enacted in 1961 and amended eight times thereafter.
Section 3501.5: Enacted in 1988.
Section 3502.5: Enacted in 1981 and amended five times thereafter.
Section 3505.7: Derived from former Government Code § 3505.4, enacted in 2000.
Section 3507: Added in 1961 and amended five times.
Section 3507.1: Enacted in 2000.
Section 3507.5: Added in 1968 and amended in 1969.
Section 3541.3: Derived from former Government Code § 13085, enacted in 1965.
Section 3563.3: Added in 1978 and amended in 2011.
Sections 4216 through 4216.24: Known as the Dig Safe Act, added in 1980.
Section 4216: Derived from former Government Code § 4215.5, enacted in 1980.
Section 4216.2: Derived from former Government Code § 4215.5, enacted in 1980.
Section 4216.4: Derived from former Government Code § 4216.4, enacted in 1980.
Sections 4217.10 through 4217.18: Added in 1983.
Section 4217.12: Added in 1983 and amended in 1998.
Section 4526: Enacted in 1974.
Section 6219: Enacted in 1982.
Section 6253: Derived from former Government Code § 6257, enacted in 1968.
Section 6254: Derived from former Government Code § 6254, enacted in 1968.
Section 6254.5: Enacted in 1981.
Section 6259: Added in 1968.
Section 6508.1: Added in 1968.
Section 6525: Added in 1994 and amended in 2015.
Section 6584.5: Added in 1985.
Section 6586: Added in 1985.
Sections 7060 et seq.: The Ellis Act, enacted in 1985.
Section 7507: Derived from former Government Code § 7507, enacted in 1977.
Section 7510: Added in 1982.
Section 7522.02: Enacted in 2012 and amended six times thereafter.
Section 7522.72: Added in 2012 and amended in 2013 and 2014.
Section 8545: Enacted in 1993.
Section 8546: Enacted in 1993.
Section 8558: Derived from former Military and Veterans Code § 1505, enacted in the 1943 First Extraordinary Session.
Section 8659: Derived from former Military and Veterans Code § 1587, enacted in 1943.
Section 8670.30: Derived from former Government Code § 8760.30, enacted in 1990.
Section 8686.2: Derived from former Government Code §§ 54159 and 54158, enacted in 1974.
Section 11135: Added in 1977.
Section 11139: Added to the Government Code in 1977.
Sections 11135 through 11139: Enacted in 1977.
Section 11183: Added in 1945 and amended in 1981 and 2003.
Section 11340: Added in 1979 and amended in 1981, 1983 and 1993.
Section 11340.1: Added in 1979 and amended in 1981, 1983 and 1996.
Section 11340.2: Added in 1979 and amended three times thereafter.
Section 11340.6: Derived from former Government Code § 11426, enacted in 1947.
Section 11342.510: Derived from former Political Code § 720, enacted in 1941.
Section 11520: Enacted in 1945.
Section 11521: Enacted in 1945.
Section 12261: Added in 2006 and amended in 2014.
Section 12503: Derived from former Art. V, § 21 of the California Constitution, adopted November 6, 1934.
Section 12599: Enacted in 1989.
Section 12652: Enacted in 1999.
Sections 12900 et seq.: California Fair Employment and Housing Act, enacted in 1959.
Section 12920.5: Added in 1992 and never amended.
Section 12926: Derived from former Labor Code § 1413, enacted in 1959.
Section 12926.2: Added in 1999.
Section 12940: Derived from former Labor Code § 1420, enacted in 1959.
Section 12945: Derived from former Labor Code § 1420.35, enacted in 1978.
Section 12945.2: Derived from former Government Code § 12945.2, enacted in 1991.
Section 12960: Derived from former Labor Code § 1422, enacted in 1959.
Section 12965(b): Derived from former Health and Safety Code § 35732, enacted in 1963.
Sections 12965 and 12981: Derived from former Labor Code § 1423, enacted in 1959.
Section 12974: Derived from former Labor Code § 1429.1, enacted in 1977.
Section 13953: Derived from former Government Code § 13961.01, enacted in 1998.
Section 14013: Derived from former Government Code § 14012, enacted in 1969.
Sections 14835 et seq.: Enacted in 1973.
Section 15600: Added in 2017 and amended in 2017 and 2018.
Section 18906: Derived from former uncodified § 96, enacted in 1937.
Section 19140: Derived from former uncodified § 155, enacted in 1937.
Section 19775.2: Added in 1971.
Section 19997.11: Derived from former uncodified § 14a of 1913.
Section 19997.13: Derived from former uncodified § 14a, added in 1933.
Sections 19998 and 19998.1: Derived from former Government Code §§ 19555 and 19556, enacted in 1969.
Section 20134: Derived from former Government Code § 20133, enacted in 1947.
Section 20335: Derived from former Government Code § 20335, enacted in 1945.
Section 20361: Derived from former uncodified § 30, enacted in 1931.
Repealed Government Code § 20567.8, added in 1980 and amended in 1983 and 1987.
Section 20630: Derived from former uncodified § 12, enacted in 1931.
Section 20636: Derived from former uncodified § 13, enacted in 1931.
Section 21154: Derived from former uncodified § 85a, enacted in 1931.
Section 21193: Derived from former Government Code § 21029, enacted in 1945.
Section 21221: Derived from former Government Code § 21151, enacted in 1955.
Section 21222: Derived from former Government Code § 21151.1, enacted in 1976.
Section 21224: Derived from former Government Code § 21159, enacted in 1963.
Section 21228: Derived from former Government Code § 21157, enacted in 1972.
Section 21541: Derived from former uncodified § 100, enacted in 1931.
Section 22897: Derived from former Government Code § 22859.1, enacted in 1993.
Section 25355: Derived from former Political Code § 4052a, enacted in 1907.
Section 25401: Derived from former uncodified § 14, enacted in 1883.
Section 25502.5: Enacted in 1947.
Section 25537: Enacted in 1959.
Section 26945: Added in 1957.
Section 27000.3: Enacted in 1995.
Section 27201: Derived from former uncodified § 134, enacted in 1883.
Section 27471: Added in 1947.
Section 27701: Based on Statutes of 1921.
Section 29303: Derived from former Political Code § 4087a, enacted in 1919.
Section 29807: Added in 1965.
Section 31000: Derived from former Political Code § 4041.34, enacted in 1939.
Section 31000.9: Enacted in 1977.
Section 31460: Derived from former uncodified § 8 of the County Employees Retirement Act of 1937.
Section 31515.5: Enacted in 1995.
Section 31522.1: Enacted in 1973.
Section 31641.2: Enacted in 1955.
Section 31676.11: Added to the Government Code in 1967.
Section 31680: Derived from former uncodified § 119, enacted in 1937.
Section 31831: Added in 1961.
Section 34452: Derived from former Government Code § 34452, enacted in 1969.
Section 34462: Derived from former Government Code § 34470, enacted in 1978.
Section 36900: Derived from former uncodified § 769, enacted in 1883.
Section 37101: Derived from former uncodified § 764 of 1883 Act.
Section 37361: Enacted in 1957.
Section 37380: Derived from former Civil Code § 718, enacted in 1872, and uncodified § 1, enacted in 1951.
Section 38773.1. Enacted in 1990.
Section 38773.5. Enacted in 1965.
Section 41004: Derived from former uncodified § 876, enacted in 1883.
Section 45052: Derived from former uncodified § 5, enacted in 1939.
Section 45054: Derived from former uncodified § 5.1, enacted in 1939.
Section 45316: Enacted in 1937.
Section 50050: Derived from former Political Code § 4087b, enacted in 1939.
Sections 50280 through 50290: Enacted in 1972.
Section 50402: Enacted in 1971.
Section 50490: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1929.
Sections 51200 through 51239: Enacted the Williamson Act in 1965.
Section 51238: Added in 1969.
Section 51350: Added in 1973 and amended in 1982 and 1983.
Section 53060: Derived from former Government Code § 56010.1, enacted in 1965.
Section 53069.4: Enacted in 1995.
Section 53082: Added in 1990 and amended in 1991.
Section 53084: Enacted in 1999.
Section 53091: Enacted in 1959.
Section 53094: Added in 1959 and amended five times thereafter.
Section 53095: Enacted in 1959.
Section 53097: Added in 1984 and amended in 1990.
Section 53270: Enacted in 1997.
Section 53292: Enacted in 1959.
Section 53313.5: Added in 1982 and amended numerous times thereafter.
Section 53317.3: Added in 1986 and amended in 1991.
Section 53341.5: Enacted in 1988.
Sections 53510, 53511 and 53589.5: Added in 1963 and 1985, respectively.
Section 53600.3: Enacted in 1995.
Section 53631: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1933.
Section 53682: Added in 1975 and amended in 1994.
Section 53753: Added in 1997 and amended in 2000, 2001, 2007 and 2009.
Section 53935: Added in 1963 and amended in 1968.
Sections 53970 through 53979: Added in 1979.
Section 54220 through 54223: Added in 1968 and amended 18 times thereafter.
Section 54230.5. Added in 1974.
Section 54953: Added in 1953.
Section 54954: Enacted in 1953.
Section 54956.81: Enacted in 2004.
Sections 54956.9, 54960 and 54963: Added in part in 1961 as the Brown Act.
Section 54957: Added in 1953, and amended 12 more times after that.
Section 54957.1: Derived from former Government Code § 54957.1, enacted in 1975,
Section 54960.1: Added in 1986.
Sections 54999 through 54999.7: Added in 1988.
Section 56122: Enacted in 1951.
Section 56129: Derived from former Government Code § 56017, enacted in 1965.
Section 56133: Enacted in 1993.
Section 56331.4: Added in 2000 and amended and renumbered in 2021.
Section 57377: Derived from former Government Code § 34329, enacted in 1949.
Section 57461: Derived from former Government Code § 56011, enacted in 1965.
Section 65009: Enacted in 1983.
Section 65093: Derived from former Government Code § 65854.5, enacted in 1975.
Section 65358: Derived from former Government Code § 65361, enacted in 1973.
Sections 65400, 65582.1 and 65913.4: Added in 2017.
Section 65402: Derived from former Government Code §§ 65360 to 65363, enacted in 1951.
Section 65583: Enacted in 1980.
Section 65583.2: Enacted in 2004.
Section 65585: Added in 1980.
Section 65589.5: Known as the Housing Accountability Act, as added in 1982.
Section 65759: Added in 1982 and amended in 1991.
Section 65852.2: Added in 1982.
Section 65852.3: Added in 1980.
Section 65852.7: Enacted in 1981.
Section 65863.7: Enacted in 1980.
Section 65865.3: Added in 1986 and amended in 1989.
Sections 65864 through 65869.5: Enacted in 1979.
Section 65901: Derived from former Government Code § 65853, enacted in 1953.
Section 65913.4: Added in 2017.
Section 65914: Added in 1981 and amended in 2003.
Section 65915: Enacted in 1979.
Section 65920: Enacted in 1977.
Sections 65920 et seq.: Enacted in 1977.
Section 65961: Enacted in 1982 and amended six times thereafter.
Section 65962.5: Added in 1986.
Section 65974: Enacted in 1977.
Section 65995: Added in 1986 and amended six times thereafter.
Section 65995.5: Added in 1998.
Section 66000: Derived from former Government Code §§ 54989.1, 54994 and 65962, enacted in 1989.
Section 66001: Added in 1987 amended amend in 1988, 1996 and 2006.
Section 66005: Added in 1986 and amended in 1988.
Section 66005.1: Derived from former Government Code § 66005.1, added in 2008.
Sections 66000 through 66025, comprising the Fees for Development Projects Act: Derived from former Government Code §§ 54990 through 54992, enacted in 1981.
Section 66412: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 11535, enacted in 1943.
Section 66412.1: Enacted in 1980.
Section 66426.5: Added in 1982.
Section 66428: Derived from former uncodified § 2(g), enacted in 1937.
Section 66459: Added in 1992 and amended in 2007.
Section 66474, comprising the Subdivision Map Act: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 11551.5, enacted in 1953.
Section 66474.2, comprising the Subdivision Map Act: Enacted in 1984.
Section 66477.5(c): Enacted in 1989.
Section 66486: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 11543, enacted in 1947.
Section 66487: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 11543.5, enacted in 1959.
Sections 66498.1 through 66498.9, comprising the Subdivision Map Act: Enacted in 1984.
Section 66498.5: Enacted in 1984.
Sections 66499.21 through 66499.29: Derived from former Government Code §§ 66499.21 through 66499.28, enacted in 1919.
Section 66499.32: Derived from former uncodified § 29, enacted in 1937.
Section 66499.37: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1929.
Section 66602.1: Added in 1969 and never amended.
Section 66605: Added in 1969.
Section 66610: Added in 1965.
Section 70614: Derived from former Political Code § 4300l, added in 1925.
Section 83116.5: Derived from former Government Code § 83116.5, enacted in 1984.
Section 84308: Added in 1982.
Section 87201: Derived from former Government Code § 3702, enacted in 1969.
Section 87202: Derived from former Government Code § 3700, enacted in 1969.
Section 87203: Derived from former Government Code § 3701, enacted in 1969.