Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013

Public Law 113-4, signed on March 7, 2013 enacted the  Violence Against Women Reauthorization  Act of 2013 – carried by Senator Patrick Leahy, who stated in the Congressional Record on February 7,  2013:

“. . . The bottom line is this:  While we have made great strides in reducing domestic and sexual violence, there is more to be done and it is incumbent upon us to act now.  The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act has been carefully considered and debated for more than 2 years. . . . Let us not undermine the provisions to help protect Indian women and other particularly vulnerable victims from the serious problems they face.

“. . . Domestic and sexual violence knows no political party.  Its victims are Republican and Democrat, rich and poor, young and old, gay and straight, male and female.  Let us come together now—today—to pass this strong reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.  Let us show the American people what we can accomplish when we work together.”

(See Cong. Record, 02/07/2013, page S481)