Statutory Research
Public laws affecting federal statutes have various available documents, including: published reports, abstracts of hearings, congressional debates, committee prints or studies, presidential papers, and published articles on a bill’s legislative consideration.
The era in which a particular public law is enacted will also dictate the availability and location of relevant documents. In addition, public laws may have a history replete with competitor and predecessor Senate bills and House of Representatives bills that were unsuccessful, along with their surviving reports, hearings, and debates that are crucial to understanding the development of the federal law enacted.
Generally, there are volumes of material available on any public law. Our expertise is the capacity to cull through the thousands of pages, excerpting that which is relevant to your language or section of interest. We provide our analysis of the history of the public law as well as the development of the language of focus. Our report is accompanied by a declaration and all relevant documents.
To see an example of the types of documents you might receive, please visit our Sample Page.
Regulatory Research
Legislative Intent Service, Inc. will research any federal regulation, providing our Analysis as well as all the relevant documents, and a declaration of the materials. Our Code of Federal Regulations Part I report provides excerpts from all relevant Federal Registers in the history of the regulation. Our Code of Federal Regulations Part II report provides file materials retained by the federal agency involved in the rulemaking.
For a more expansive discussion of our approach to federal research, please read our article: “Successful Federal Legislative History Research”.
Please also visit our Fees Page.
For specific questions or a quote please feel free to Contact Us.