Water Code: California’s history is replete with water issues dating from before it joined the union, however the Water Code was not enacted until 1943. This complicated Code includes municipal- and regional-specific water agencies and districts that also address irrigation, dams, fishways, flood control, drainage and reclamation. Bonds, assessments, and taxes are also part of this Code. Much of California’s water law is comprised of “uncodified acts,” also known and referred to as the “Water Code Appendix.” It is not unusual to find that extraordinary legislative sessions are called by the Governor to address significant water issues of one sort or another. Because of the nature of the Uncodified Water Code laws, please Contact Us for a quote on these laws.
Legislative Research: Each section listed below is a link to a PDF document that sets forth the enactment history for that section. The history cited for each section below is intended to be used for information purposes only and should not be relied upon without confirmation. For questions or sections not listed, Contact Us.
Water Code Sections
Chapter 45: County Water Authority Act, enacted in 1943.
Chapter 118: Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Law, enacted in 1977.
Section 109-134: Derived from former uncodified § 6, enacted in 1927.
Sections 300 through 311: Derived in part from former uncodified §§ 1 through 7, enacted in 1876.
Section 1052: Derived from former uncodified § 38, enacted in 1913.
Section 1110 through 1114: Added in 2018 and amended 2019.
Section 1201: Derived from former uncodified § 11, enacted in 1913.
Section 1435: Derived from former Water Code § 1435, enacted in 1982.
Section 1811: Enacted in 1986.
Sections 4999 through 5009: Enacted in 1955.
Section 5004: Enacted in 1955.
Section 6004: Derived from former uncodified § 2, enacted in 1929.
Sections 10720 et seq.: Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, added in 2014.
Section 10723.6: Added in 2014 and amended in 2015.
Sections 10730 and 10730.2: Enacted in 2014.
Section 11652: Derived from former uncodified § 10, enacted in 1933.
Sections 12930 through 12944: Enacted in 1959.
Section 12949.6: Added in 2002 and amended in 2003.
Section 13050: Derived from former Water Code § 13005, enacted in 1949.
Section 13267: Derived from former Water Code § 13055, enacted in 1949.
Section 13304: Enacted in 1969.
Section 13350: Derived from former Water Code § 13350, enacted in 1969.
Sections 13370 through 13389: Enacted in 1972.
Section 20202: Added in 1984.
Sections 22250 through 22252, 22252.1 and 22252.2: Derived from former uncodified § 18, enacted in 1897.
Section 31053: Enacted in 1959.
Section 35401: Derived from former uncodified § 7, enacted in 1913.
Sections 60290, 60291 and 60328.1: All three sections were added in 2000 and § 60290 was amended in 2013.
Section 71697: Derived from former uncodified § 19, enacted in 1911.
Sections 71750 through 71759: Derived from former uncodified §§ 12(2), 12(3), 12(15) and 20, enacted in 1911.
Section 75594 : Derived from former uncodified § 19.12 of the Water Conservation Act, enacted in 1963.
Section 75596 : Derived from former uncodified § 19.12, enacted in 1963.