Labor Code: Early California labor laws owed their successes, in part, on the Labor lobby of the early 20th Century, such as the State Federation of Labor, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, State Building Trades Council, San Francisco Labor Council, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, and the Order of Railroad Conductors, just to name a few. The types of issues raised before the legislature during these early years of the 1900’s involved industrial accidents, worker’s compensation, safety, and regulation of hours (such as the Railroadmen’s 16-hour law, Child labor laws, and Miners’ eight hour law). The 1937 codification was a nonsubstantive enactment of former labor-related acts and earlier laws, such as the former Political Code, mostly dating back to this early, tumultuous time in California legislative history. Thus, consideration of the historical derivation of various Labor Code sections is very important.
Legislative Research: Each section listed below is a link to a PDF document that sets forth the enactment history for that section. The history cited for each section below is intended to be used for information purposes only and should not be relied upon without confirmation. For questions or sections not listed, Contact Us.
Labor Code Sections
Section 18: Enacted in 1937.
Section 98: Derived from former uncodified § 7 of 1883, added in 1889.
Section 98.6: Derived from former uncodified § 10, enacted in 1913.
Section 98.7: Derived from former Labor Code § 1196.1, enacted in 1976.
Section 100: Derived from former uncodified § 7, enacted in 1883.
Section 108: Derived from former Labor Code § 3099, enacted in 1999.
Section 108.2: Derived from former Labor Code § 3099.2, enacted in 2002.
Section 139.3: Derived from former Labor Code § 139.3, enacted in 1989.
Section 139.32: Added in 2012.
Section 200: Derived from former uncodified § 3, enacted in 1919.
Section 200.5: Added in 2011 and never amended.
Section 201: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1919.
Sections 201 through 203: Derived from uncodified §§ 1 and 5, enacted in 1919.
Section 201.3: Added in 2008.
Section 201.5: Derived from former Labor Code § 201.5, added in 1957.
Section 203: Derived from former uncodified § 5, enacted in 1919.
Section 203.5: Enacted in 1965.
Section 204: Enacted in 1919.
Section 206: Derived from former uncodified § 5a, added to the 1919 Act by Statutes of 1931.
Section 212: Derived from former uncodified § 1, added in 1911.
Section 216: Derived from former uncodified § 6, enacted in 1919.
Section 218: Added in 1986.
Section 219: Derived from former uncodified § 3, enacted in 1919.
Section 221: Added in 1937 and never amended.
Sections 222 and 223: Added in 1937 and amended in 1939.
Section 224: Added in 1937.
Section 225.5: Enacted in 1983.
Section 226: Derived from former Labor Code § 226.2, enacted in 1979.
Section 226.3: Added in 1979.
Section 226.7: Enacted in 2000.
Section 227.3: Added in 1972 and amended in 1976.
Section 229: Added in 1959.
Section 230: Enacted in 1968.
Section 246: Added in 2014 and never amended.
Section 403: Derived from former uncodified § 1 of 1917, Chapter 108.
Section 404: Enacted in 1937.
Section 432: Derived from former uncodified § 3, enacted in 1935.
Section 432.7: Derived from former Labor Code § 432.7, enacted in 1974.
Section 450: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1917.
Section 510: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1867.
Section 511: Enacted in 1999.
Section 512: Enacted in 1999.
Section 515: Added in 1999 and amended in 2000.
Section 515.6: Enacted in 2001.
Section 516: Enacted in 1999.
Section 551: Derived from former uncodified § 1, added in 1893.
Sections 551 and 554: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1893.
Section 552: Derived from former uncodified § 1, added in 1893.
Section 555: Added in 1941 and amended in 1955.
Section 556: Enacted in 1941.
Section 558: Enacted in 1999.
Section 558.1: Enacted in 2015.
Section 925(f): Added in 2016.
Section 970: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1903.
Section 1050: Derived from former Penal Code § 653e, enacted in 1913.
Section 1051: Derived from former Penal Code § 653e, enacted in 1913.
Sections 1101 through 1105: Derived from former uncodified §§ 1 through 3, enacted in 1915.
Section 1102.5: Enacted in 1984.
Section 1102.6: Enacted in 2003.
Section 1104: Derived from former uncodified § 2, added in 1915.
Section 1173: Derived from former uncodified § 3, enacted in 1913.
Section 1174: Derived from former uncodified § 3, enacted in 1913.
Section 1174.5: Added in 1990 and amended in 2000.
Section 1182.4: Derived from former Labor Code § 1182.3, enacted in 1977.
Section 1193.5: Enacted in 1961.
Section 1194: Derived from former uncodified § 13, enacted in 1913.
Section 1194.2: Added in 1991.
Section 1197.1: Enacted in 1983.
Section 1197.5: Added in 1949.
Section 1198: Derived from former uncodified § 3, enacted in 1927.
Sections 1400 through 1408: Enacted in 2002.
Section 1700 et seq.: Derived in part from former Labor Code § 1662, enacted in 1943.
Sections 1700 through 1700.47: Derived from numerous former Labor Code sections regarding Talent Agencies, enacted in 1913.
Section 1700.44: Derived from former Labor Code § 1700.44, enacted in 1959.
Section 1703.4: Derived from former Labor Code § 1701.12, enacted in 1999.
Section 1720: Derived from former Penal Code § 653c, enacted in 1905.
Section 1720.2: Enacted in 1974.
Section 1720.3: Enacted in 1976.
Section 1720.4: Derived from former Labor Code § 1720.4, enacted in 1989.
Section 1726: Derived from former Penal Code § 653c, enacted in 1905.
Section 1741: Enacted in 2000.
Section 1742: Enacted in 2000.
Section 1742.1: Added in 2000 and amended four times thereafter.
Sections 1770 through 1775: Derived from former uncodified §§ 1, 2 and 4, enacted in 1931.
Section 1770: Derived from former uncodified § 4, enacted in 1931.
Section 1771: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1931.
Section 1773: Derived from former uncodified § 2, enacted in 1931.
Section 1773.1: Enacted in 1959.
Section 1773.2: Enacted in 1971.
Section 1773.3: Derived from former Labor Code § 1773.3 (formerly § 3098), added in 1972.
Section 1773.9: Enacted in 1999.
Section 1775: Derived from former uncodified § 2, enacted in 1931.
Section 1777.7: Derived from former Labor Code § 1777.7, enacted in 1976.
Section 2695.2: Enacted in 2001.
Sections 2698 through 2699.8: Enacted as the Private Attorneys General Act, enacted in 2003.
Section 2699: Enacted in 2003.
Section 2750.5 : Enacted in 1978.
Section 2751: Added in 1963 and amended in 2011 and 2012.
Section 2783: Added in 2020.
Section 2802 : Derived from former Civil Code § 1969, enacted in 1872.
Section 2804: Derived from former Civil Code § 1970, enacted in 1872.
Section 2806 : Enacted in 1979.
Section 2855: Derived from former Civil Code § 1980, enacted in 1872.
Section 2870: Added in 1979.
Section 3070: Enacted in 1939.
Sections 3208.1, 3208.2 and 5303: Derived in part from former uncodified § 17, enacted in 1917.
Section 3209.3: Added in 1945.
Section 3212: Derived from former uncodified section 3a, enacted in 1917.
Section 3212.1: Added in 1982 and amended eight times thereafter.
Section 3215: Added in 1991.
Section 3351(d): Derived from former uncodified § 8, enacted in 1917.
Section 3352: Derived from former uncodified § 8, enacted as 1917.
Section 3352(h): Derived from former uncodified § 8, enacted in 1917.
Section 3353: Derived from former uncodified § 8, enacted in 1917.
Section 3357: Derived from former uncodified § 8, enacted in 1917.
Section 3364.5: Added in 1967 and amended in 1968.
Section 3501: Derived from former uncodified § 19, enacted in 1913.
Section 3503: Derived from former uncodified § 19, enacted in 1913.
Section 3600: Derived from former uncodified § 3, enacted in 1911.
Section 3600.5: Enacted in 1955.
Section 3602: Derived from former uncodified § 3, enacted in 1911.
Section 3744: Enacted in 1984.
Section 3760: Enacted in 1951.
Section 3761: Enacted in 1991; amended in 1993 and 1994.
Section 3762: Enacted in 1993 and amended five times thereafter.
Section 4055.2: Added in 1974 and amended in 1999.
Section 4061: Added in 1989.
Section 4062.1: Added in 1989 and amended in 2004.
Section 4062.2: Added in 2004 and amended in 2012.
Section 4353: Derived from former Labor Code § 4363, enacted in 1946.
Section 4453: Derived from former uncodified § 9, enacted in 1911.
Section 4458.2: Enacted in 1961.
Section 4600: Derived from former uncodified § 8, enacted in 1911.
Section 4605: Derived from former uncodified § 8, enacted in 1911.
Section 4657: Derived from former uncodified § 13, enacted in 1917.
Section 4662: Derived from former uncodified § 8, enacted in 1911.
Section 4663: Added in 2004 and amended in 2006.
Section 4664: Derived from former uncodified § 3, enacted in 1917.
Section 4703.5: Enacted in 1989.
Section 4706: Derived from former uncodified § 19, enacted in 1915.
Sections 4751 through 4756: Added in 1945.
Section 4856: Added in 1996.
Section 4903.1: Enacted in 1975.
Section 4903.5: Enacted in 2002.
Section 4903.05: Enacted in 2012 and amended in 2016.
Section 4906: Derived from former uncodified § 29, enacted in 1913.
Section 5100: Derived from former uncodified § 33, enacted in 1913.
Section 5300: Derived from former uncodified § 73, enacted in 1913.
Section 5502: Derived from former uncodified § 22, amended in 1915.
Section 5705(a): Derived from former uncodified § 24, enacted in 1913.
Section 5804: Derived from former uncodified § 16, enacted in 1911.
Section 5906: Derived from former uncodified § 81(e), enacted in 1913.
Section 5955: Derived from former uncodified § 84, enacted in 1913.
Section 6304: Derived from former uncodified § 51, enacted in 1913.
Section 6312: Enacted in 1973.
Section 6314: Derived from former uncodified § 72 of 1913.
Section 6322: Derived from former uncodified § 70 of 1913.
Section 6407: Added in 1973 and amended in 1977.
Section 6423: Derived from former uncodified § 49, enacted in 1917.
Section 6425: Enacted in 1973.
Section 7314: Derived from former uncodified § 5 of 1917.
Sections 9000 et seq.: Occupational Carcinogen Control Act of 1976, enacted in 1976.
Sections 9100 through 9104: Added in 2001 and amended in 2002.