California Insurance Code Statutory History

Insurance Code: Although the Insurance Code was enacted in 1935, this was a nonsubstantive codification of laws derived from early acts, common law, and former Civil Code, Code of Civil Procedure, and Political Code sections regulating insurance contracts and the business of insurance from as early as 1850 and 1872. These early laws should be reviewed when considering the origination of specific insurance code language. Significant changes to insurance laws since 1935 reveal this area of the law has been dynamic as it keeps pace with new insurance products and the issues relating to the business of insurance.

Legislative Research: Each section listed below is a link to a PDF document that sets forth the enactment history for that section. The history cited for each section below is intended to be used for information purposes only and should not be relied upon without confirmation. For questions or sections not listed, Contact Us.

Insurance Code Sections

Section 103: Derived from former Political Code § 594, enacted in 1907.

Section 106: Derived from former Political Code § 594, enacted in 1907.

Section 303: Derived from former Civil Code § 2556, enacted in 1872.

Section 480: Derived from former Civil Code § 2616, enacted in 1872.

Section 481: Derived from former Civil Code § 2617, enacted in 1872.

Section 481.5: Enacted in 1976.

Section 482: Derived from former Civil Code § 2618, enacted in 1872.

Section 483: Derived from former Civil Code § 2619, enacted in 1872.

Former Section 556: Derived from former Penal Code § 549, enacted in 1872.

Section 557.5: Added in 1973.

Section 673: Enacted in 1970.

Section 675.5: Added in 1986 and amended in 2011.

Section 676.2.  Enacted in 1986.

Section 678.1: Added in 1986 and amended six times thereafter.

Section 750: Added in 1991.

Section 769: Enacted in 1986.

Section 786: Added in 1990.

Section 880: Derived from former Civil Code § 2600, enacted in 1925.

Section 1063.1: Derived from former Insurance Code § 1063.1, enacted in 1969.

Section 1194.7: Enacted in 1937.

Sections 1215 through 1215.13: Derived from former Insurance Code §§ 1215 through 1215.12, enacted in 1969.

Section 1215.2: Enacted in 1969.

Section 1215.5: Added in 1969.

Section 1634 and 1635: Derived from former Political Code § 633a29(1), enacted in 1931.

Section 1704: Derived from former Political Code § 633aa, enacted in 1927.

Section 1727: Derived from former Political Code § 633a17, enacted in 1931.

Sections 1733 and 1734: § 1733 derived from former Penal Code § 506b, enacted in 1925; § 1734 was derived from Insurance Code § 1730.5, enacted in 1951.

Section 1758.8: Enacted in 1999.

Section 1858.3: Enacted in 1947.

Section 1861.16: Added in 1990 and amended in 1999 and 2004.

Section 1871.7: Added in 1993 and amended five times thereafter.

Section 1877.4: Added in 1991 and amended in 2003.

Section 2051: Derived from former Civil Code § 2756, enacted in 1872.

Section 2051.5: Enacted in 2004.

Section 2071: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted 1909.

Section 2074.8: Enacted in 1970.

Section 10103.7: Added in 2018.

Section 10111: Derived from former Civil Code § 2766, enacted in 1872.

Section 10113.2: Derived from former Insurance Code § 10113.2, enacted in 1990.

Section 10113.5: Added in 1972 and amended in 1998.

Section 10113.71: Added in 2012 and amended in 2013.

Section 10113.72: Added in 2012.

Section 10119: Enacted in 1971.

Section 10170: Derived from former Civil Code § 2762, enacted in 1872.

Section 10172.5: Enacted in 1975.

Section 10176.10: Enacted in 1993.

Section 10199.1.  Enacted in 1990.

Section 10199.2.  Enacted in 1990.

Section 10199.3.  Enacted in 1990.

Sections 10230 through 10237.1: Derived from former Insurance Code §§, enacted in 1988.

Section 10232.3: Derived from former Insurance Code § 10232.3, enacted in 1991.

Section 10232.8(c): Derived from former Insurance Code § 10232.8, enacted in 1991.

Section 10232.9: Derived from former Insurance Code § 10232.8, enacted in 1991.

Section 10369.12: Derived from former Insurance Code § 10372, enacted in 1941.

Section 10506.4: Enacted in 1994.

Sections 11400 through 11407: Added in 1935.

Section 11580. Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1919.

Section 11580.1: Derived from former Insurance Code § 11580.1, added in 1963.

Section 11580.2: Derived from former Insurance Code § 11580.2, enacted in 1959.

Section 11580.8: Enacted in 1970.

Section 11580.26: Added in 1983.

Section 11583: Enacted in 1968.

Section 11590: Derived from former Insurance Code § 11590, enacted in 1975.

Section 11628: Added in 1955.

Section 11661: Derived from former uncodified § 31, enacted in 1917.

Section 11735: Enacted in 1993.

Section 11752.6: Enacted in 1987.

Section 11770: Derived from former uncodified § 36, enacted in 1913.

Section 11797: Derived from former uncodified § 45, enacted in 1913.

Section 11880: Derived from former uncodified § 50, enacted in 1913.

Section 12743: Added in 1978 and amended in 1981.

Section 12760: Derived from former Insurance Code § 12760, enacted in 1978.

Sections 12760 through 12764: Derived from former Insurance Code §§ 12760 and 12761, enacted in 1978.

Section 12800: Added in 2003.

Sections 15000, et seq.: Added in 1985.