California Fish and Game Code Statutory History

Fish and Game Code: Enacted in 1957, many of the Fish and Game Code provisions are derived from the 1947 former Fish and Game Code, as well as older statutes under the former Penal and Political Codes originally enacted in 1872. The new statutes relating to more modern topics, such as endangered specifies, were added later. This is a fluid code amending and adjusting older California game laws, for example, to comply with newer protected species lists and regulations.

Legislative Research: Each section listed below is a link to a PDF document that sets forth the enactment history for that section. The history cited for each section below is intended to be used for information purposes only and should not be relied upon without confirmation. For questions or sections not listed, Contact Us.

Fish and Game Code Sections

Section 102: Derived from former Fish and Game Code § 12, added in 1941.

Section 220: Derived from former Fish and Game Code § 19.6, added in 1945.

Section 711.4: Added in 1990.

Sections 1600 through 1616: Derived from former Fish and Game Code §§ 1600, 1602 and 1603, enacted in 1961.

Sections 1601 and 1602: Derived from former Fish and Game Code §§ 1601 and 1602, enacted in 1961.

Section 1602: Derived from former Fish and Game Code § 1602, enacted in 1961.

Section 1913: Enacted in 1977.

Section 2000: Derived from former Penal Code § 626c, enacted in 1901.

Section 2022: Added in 2015 and amended in 2016.

Section 2081: Derived from former Fish and Game Code § 2053, enacted in 1970.

Section 2826: Enacted in 2002.

Section 3511: Derived from former Fish and Game Code § 3511, enacted in 1957.

Section 3513: Enacted in 1957.

Section 4700: Derived from former Fish and Game Code § 4700, enacted in 1957.

Section 4800: Derived from former Fish and Game Code § 4800, enacted in 1969.

Section 5050: Enacted in 1970.

Section 5515: Enacted in 1970.

Section 5650: Derived from former Penal Code § 635, enacted in 1872.

Section 5900: Derived from former Penal Code § 637, enacted in 1872.

Section 5937: Derived from former Penal Code § 637, enacted in 1872.

Section 5946: Derived from former Fish and Game Code § 526.5, enacted in 1953.

Section 8279.1: Added in 1997 and amended four times thereafter.