California Corporations Code Statutory History

Corporations Code: In 1975, California enacted its Corporations Code. This effort drew ideas from former California Codes, such as the Civil Code, as well as separate uncodified acts dating back to 1850 and relating to various aspects of a corporation, its principals and shareholders, rights, liabilities and duties. The 1975 Corporations Code also borrowed from numerous other states’ statutes, thus creating new California laws. Because this codification generated substantive changes to California’s law, it needs to be seriously considered as possibly relevant when reviewing the legislative history of any current Corporations Code statute.

Legislative Research: Each section listed below is a link to a PDF document that sets forth the enactment history for that section. The history cited for each section below is intended to be used for information purposes only and should not be relied upon without confirmation. For questions or sections not listed, Contact Us.

Corporations Code Sections

Section 191: Derived from former Civil Code § 407, enacted in 1905.

Section 203: Derived from former Civil Code § 290, added by original 1872 California Codification.

Section 204: Derived from various former Civil Code §§ dating back to 1872.

Section 303: Derived from former uncodified § 7 of 1861 Act.

Section 309: Added in 1975.

Section 310: Derived from former Civil Code § 311, enacted in 1931.

Section 313: Enacted in 1975.

Section 315: Derived from former Civil Code § 366, enacted in 1931.

Section 317: Derived from former Civil Code § 375, enacted in 1943.

Section 700: Derived from former Civil Code § 321b, enacted in 1905.

Section 701: Derived from former uncodified § 8, enacted in 1853.

Section 709: Derived from former uncodified § 15, enacted in 1850.

Section 903: Derived from former Civil Code § 362, enacted in 1885.

Section 1201: Derived from former Civil Code § 361b, enacted in 1929.

Section 1203: Added in 1988.

Sections 1300 and 1312: Derived from former Civil Code § 369, enacted in 1931.

Section 1501: Derived from former Corporations Code §§ 3006, 3011, 3013 and 3014, enacted in 1947.

Section 1600: Derived in part from former uncodified §§ 18 and 22, enacted in 1853.

Section 1602: Derived from former Civil Code § 356.

Section 1806(j): Derived from former Civil Code §§ 403 and 404a, enacted in 1931.

Section 1900(a): Derived from former Civil Code § 399, enacted in 1929.

Section 1904: Derived from former Civil Code § 403, enacted in 1931.

Section 2000: Derived from former Civil Code § 404, enacted in 1931.

Section 2110: Derived from former Civil Code § 406, enacted in 1927.

Section 2116: Derived from former Civil Code § 412, enacted in 1929.

Section 5142: Derived from former Civil Code § 605c, enacted in 1931.

Section 5222:  Enacted in 1978.

Section 5341: Added in 1978.

Section 5342: Added in 1982 and amended in 1986.

Section 5911: Added in 1978 and amended twice thereafter.

Section 5920: Added in 1999.

Section 6334: Enacted in 1978 and never amended.

Section 7132: Derived from former Civil Code §§ 595 and 598, enacted in 1931.

Section 7142: Derived from former Civil Code § 653k, enacted in 1905

Section 7151: Derived from former Civil Code § 303, added by original California 1872 Codification.

Section 7212: Derived from former Civil Code § 598, enacted in 1931.

Section 7221: Enacted in 1978 and amended twice thereafter.

Section 7231: Enacted in 1978.

Section 7231.5: Enacted in 1987.

Section 7527: Enacted in 1978.

Section 7911: Added in 1978 and amended in 1981.

Section 7913: Added in 1978 and never amended.

Section 8724: Enacted in 1979.

Section 9414: Added in 1978 and amended three times.

Section 11701.13: Derived from former Corporations Code §§ 17057, 17058 and 17061, enacted in 1994.

Section 14303: Derived from former uncodified § 1 of 1861.

Section 16306: Derived from former Corporations Code § 15015, enacted in 1949.

Section 16308: Derived from former Corporations Code §§ 15016 and 15017, added in 1949.

Section 16404: Derived from former Corporations Code § 1502.1, enacted in 1949.

Section 17002: Enacted in 1994.

Section 17005: Enacted in 1994.

Section 17100: Enacted in 1994 and amended twice thereafter in 1996 and 2012.

Section 17701.10: Derived from former Corporations Code §§ 17005 and 17059, enacted in 1994.

Section 17703.04: Derived from former Corporations Code §17101, enacted in 1994.

Section 17704.09: Derived from former Corporations Code § 17153, enacted in 1994.

Section 17704.10Derived from former Corporations Code §§ 17106 and 17107, enacted in 1994.

Section 17705.03: Derived from former Corporations Code § 17302, enacted in 1994.

Section 17708.07: Derived from former Corporations Code § 17456, enacted in 1994.

Section 25013: Enacted in 1968.

Section 25116: Added in 1983.

Section 25118: Enacted in 2000.

Section 25400: Derived from former uncodified § 14, enacted in 1917.

Sections 31000, et seq.: Added in 1970.