California Business and Professions History Research

Business and Professions Code: Established formally in 1937, the Legislature consolidated and revised the laws to regulate and protect private businesses and licensed professions and professionals, and established penalties for violations. In many cases, the new code merely restated and continued prior acts and statutory provisions on the same subject. Thus, sections of the B&P Code can be traced to older acts relating to specific professions and to the 1872 codes, such as the former Political Code.

Legislative Research: Each section listed below is a link to a PDF document that sets forth the enactment history for that section. The history cited for each section below is intended to be used for information purposes only and should not be relied upon without confirmation. For questions or sections not listed, Contact Us.

Business and Professions Code Sections

Section 650: Enacted in 1949 and amended 17 times thereafter.

Section 650.2: Enacted in 1983.

Section 654.3: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 654.3, enacted in 2009.

Section 655: Enacted in 1969.

Section 657: Added in 1985 and amended in 1998.

Section 726: Added in 1979.

Section 729(d): Added in 1989.

Section 800: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 800, enacted in 1970.

Section 805: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 805, enacted in the 1975 Second Extraordinary Session.

Section 805.5: Originally enacted in 1979.

Section 809.05: Enacted in 1989.

Section 1288: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 1288, enacted in 1945.

Section 1600: Derived from former uncodified § 17, enacted in 1915.

Section 1626Derived from former uncodified § 11, enacted in 1915.

Section 2056: Enacted in 1993 and amended in 1994 and 1996.

Section 2069: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 2146.5, enacted in 1976.

Section 2089.5: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 2089.5, enacted in 1985.

Section 2227: Derived from former uncodified § 11, enacted in 1907.

Section 2230.5: Enacted in 1998.

Section 2234: Derived from former uncodified § 11, enacted in 1907.

Section 2239: Derived from former uncodified § 11, enacted in 1907.

Section 2241.5(c): Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 2241.5, enacted in 1990.

Section 2282: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 2392.5, enacted in 1965.

Section 2305(c): Derived from former uncodified § 11, enacted in 1907.

Section 2397: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 2144.5, enacted in 1977.

Section 2408: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 2408, enacted in 1968.

Section 2556: Added in 1969.

Section 2660: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 2660, enacted in 1957.

Section 2909: Derived from former Business and Professions Code §§ 2930 and 2934, enacted in 1957.

Section 2910: Derived from former Business and Professions Code §§ 2903.5, 2930 and 2934, enacted in 1957.

Section 2914: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 2941, enacted in 1957.

Section 3501: Derived from former Business and Profession Code § 2511, enacted in 1970.

Section 4180: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 4063, enacted in 1984.

Section 4857: Originally enacted by Chapter 418, Statutes of 1999.

Section 5061: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 5061, enacted in 1987.

Section 5215: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 5207.1, enacted in 1967.

Section 5220: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 5207.2, enacted in 1967.

Section 5224: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 5212, enacted in the 1964 First Extraordinary Session.

Section 5272: Derived from former uncodified § 2, enacted in 1933.

Section 5273: Enacted in 1985.

Section 5405: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 5288, enacted in the 1964 First Extraordinary Session.

Section 5412: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 5288.3a, enacted in 1967.

Section 5537: Derived from former uncodified § 5, enacted in 1901.

Section 6001.1: Added in 2011 and amended in 2018.

Section 6006: Derived from former uncodified §§ 6 and 8, enacted in 1927.

Section 6036: Added in 1978 and amended in 2005 and 2011.

Section 6037: Added in 1978.

Section 6049: Derived from former uncodified § 34, enacted in 1927.

Section 6049.1: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 6049.1, added in 1945.

Section 6068: Derived from former Code of Civil Procedure § 282, enacted in 1872.

Section 6070: Enacted in 1989, and amended in 1999 and 2011.

Section 6104: Derived from former Code of Civil Procedure § 287, added in 1872.

Section 6128: Derived from former Penal Code § 160, enacted in 1872.

Section 6131: Derived from former Penal Code §§ 162 and 163, enacted in 1872.

Section 6146:  Enacted in the 1975 Second Extraordinary Session.

Section 6147: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 6147, added in 1982

Section 6148: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 6148, enacted in 1986.

Section 6155: Added in 1987 and amended in 1992 and 1994.

Section 6201: Added in 1978.

Sections 6300 through 6365: Derived in part from former Political Code §§ 4192 through 4203, enacted in 1907.

Section 6530: Added in 2006 and amended in 2007 and 2023.

Section 6738: Derived from former uncodified § 15, enacted in 1929.

Section 7026: Derived from former uncodified § 3, enacted in 1929.

Section 7026.1:  Enacted in 1971 and amended five times thereafter.

Section 7031: Derived from former uncodified § 12, enacted in 1929.

Section 7042.5:  Added in 1983 and amended in 1984.

Section 7044(a)(3): Derived from former uncodified § 2, enacted in 1929.

Section 7044.2: Enacted in 1996.

Section 7045: Derived from former uncodified § 791, added in 1929.

Section 7053: Enacted in 1949.

Section 7056: Derived from former uncodified § 3-1/2(a), enacted in 1935.

Section 7059: Originally enacted in 1929 as an uncodified section.

Section 7068: Derived from former uncodified § 5, enacted in 1929.

Section 7068.1: Enacted in 1959.

Section 7075.1: Added in 1990 and amended in 1992 and 2010.

Section 7108.5: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 7108.5, enacted in 1977.

Section 7125.1: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 7125.2, enacted in 1990.

Section 7125.2: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 7109.2, enacted in 1990.

Section 7152: Added in 1972.

Section 7157: Added in 1969.

Section 7159: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 7159, enacted in 1969.

Section 7164: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 7164, enacted in 1991.

Section 7168: Derived from former Civil Code § 1732, enacted in 1969.

Section 7362: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 6534, enacted in 1939.

Sections 7500.1(b), 7502 and 7507.13(c): Enacted in 1981.

Section 7508.2: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 7538.1, enacted in 1959.

Section 7520.1: Based on unknown section, enacted in 1915.

Section 7522: Derived from unknown section, enacted in 1915.

Section 7582.26: Derived from former § 7583, enacted in 1947.

Section 7591.9: Enacted in 1982.

Section 7599.54: Enacted in 1982.

Sections 7902, 7802.1, 7839.1 and 7872: Added in 1968 and 1972.

Section 7834. Added in 1968 and amended in 1972.

Section 8729: Derived from former uncodified § 12, enacted in 1933.

Section 8762: Derived from former uncodified § 11.3, enacted in 1935.

Section 9880.1: Enacted in 1971 and amended seven times thereafter.

Section 9884.6: Added in 1971 and amended in 1985.

Section 10131.01: Enacted in 1967.

Section 10133Derived from former uncodifed § 2, enacted in 1917.

Section 10133.1: Enacted in 1961.

Section 10133.5:  Enacted in 1993 and amended in 1998.

Section 10138: Derived from former uncodified §§ 18 and 19 of Chapter 605, Statutes of 1919.

Section 10177: Derived from former uncodified § 9, added in 1917.

Section 10242.6: Enacted in 1973.

Section 10248.3: Enacted in 1974.

Section 11000: Derived from former uncodified § 20a, enacted in 1929.

Section 11010: Derived from former uncodified § 20a, enacted in 1921.

Section 11010.4: Enacted in 1980.

Section 11018.2: Enacted in 1963.

Section 11211: Enacted in 2004.

Section 11211.7: Added in 2004 and amended in 2012.

Section 11212: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 11003.5, enacted in 1980.

Section 11225: Enacted in 2004.

Section 11226: Enacted in 2004.

Section 11267:  Added in 2004 and amended in 2006.

Section 11345.3: Added in 2009 and amended in 2012.

Section 11345.4:  Added in 2009 and amended in 2011.

Section 12024.2: Added in 1971.

Section 13300: Enacted in 2002.

Sections 13413, 13531 and 13532: Derived from former uncodified §§ 1 and 3, enacted in 1929.

Section 13531: Derived from former uncodified § 11 of 1931, Chapter 609.

Section 16600: Derived from former Civil Code § 1673, enacted in 1872.

Section 16601: Derived from former Civil Code § 1674, enacted in 1872.

Sections 16750 through 16761: Added in 1907.

Section 17024: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1913.

Section 17043: Derived from former uncodified § 3, enacted in 1913 by Chapter 276.

Section 17044: Derived from former uncodified § 3, enacted in 1913 by Chapter 276.

Section 17045: Derived from former uncodified § 1, enacted in 1933.

Section 17200: Derived from former Civil Code § 3369, added original 1872 Codification.

Sections 17200 et seq.: Unfair Competition Law.

Sections 17203, 17204, 17206, 17207 and 17209: Derived from former Civil Code §§ 3369(2) and 3369(5), enacted in 1933.

Section 17204: Derived from former Civil Code § 3369, enacted in 1933.

Section 17206: Derived from former Civil Code § 3370.1, enacted in 1972.

Section 17500: Derived from former Penal Code § 654a, enacted in 1905.

Section 17508: Added in 1972.

Section 17510 – 17510.95: Enacted in 1972.

Section 17533.7: Added in 1961 and amended only once in 2015.

Section 17535: Derived from former Civil Code § 3369, enacted in 1933.

Section 17536: Enacted in 1965.

Section 17537: Enacted by Chapter 1119, Statutes of 1970.

Section 17538: Enacted in 1971.

Sections 17600 et seq.: Added in 2009 and amended in 2017 and 2021.

Sections 17600 through 17602: Enacted in 2009.

Section 17602: Added in 2009 and amended in 2017.

Section 17900: Derived from former Civil Code § 2466 (based on New York Civil Code Draft section 1322), enacted in 1872.

Section 18640: Derived from former uncodified §§ 3 and 14(a), enacted in 1925.

Sections 18895 et seq.: Miller-Ayala Athlete Agents Act, enacted in 1981.

Section 19525: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 19525, enacted in 1994.

Sections 19580 et seq.: Equine Medication, enacted in 1991.

Section 19607: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 19596.6, enacted in 1987.

Section 19607.1: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 19596.6, enacted in 1987.

Section 19801: Enacted in 1997 as part of the Gaming Control Act.

Section 19878: Added in 1997.

Section 19879: Added in 1997.

Section 19930: Added in 1997.

Sections 20000, et seq.: Added in 1980.

Section 20999.25: Enacted in 1981.

Section 21626: Added in 1959 and amended six times thereafter.

Sections 21700 et seq.: California Self-Service Storage Facility Act, enacted in 1981.

Section 22200: Added in 1959 and amended in 1987 and 1988.

Sections 22450 et seq.: Enacted in 1984.

Section 23358: Derived from former uncodified § 6, added in 1935.

Section 23803: Enacted in 1959 and amended twice thereafter.

Section 24015: Derived from former Business and Professions Code § 24015, enacted in 1975.

Section 24200: Enacted as former uncodified § 10 in Chapter 51, Statutes of 1933.

Sections 25000, 25004 and 25600.3: Affected in 1937 and eleven additional amendments.

Section 25602: Derived from former uncodified § 1 of 1889.

Section 25604: Derived from former uncodified § 53.2 in Chapter 730, Statutes of 1943.